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UKAD set to bring the Assurance Framework to life at Clean Sport Connect

Autumn 2022 will see a series of webinars hosted by UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) take place, focusing on key topics within clean sport.

One of the sessions will focus on the Assurance Framework and the progress of sports across the UK. The UKAD Assurance team and Legal team will highlight the benefits that meeting the Assurance Framework can have in the pursuit of clean sport at Clean Sport Connect. To learn more about the speakers involved in this session, click here.

Held on Wednesday 28 September at 13:00 the Assurance Framework webinar will include progress across the UK to date from the Assurance Team, a run through of recent UKAD cases that are linked to requirements in the Assurance Framework from the Case Management team and provide the opportunity to share best practice with others and contribute to further developments to the Assurance programme. 

As this session is focused on the Assurance Framework, it is open to National Governing Bodies or other organisations involved in the process, such as Sports Councils. Delegates can register to attend for free here.

To find out about the other Clean Sport Connect sessions taking place, which all delegates can attend, click here. 
